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McMonday McMotivators – Would You Like Fries With That?

Topics: Editorial & Opinion | 1 CommentBy admin | April 13, 2009

Set your fast food ass back down for the Fast Food Edition of our Monday Demotivators.

Going to work on Monday morning is WAY over-rated.

I’ve always said that they call it fast food because you eat it fast, not because you get it fast. Which is applicable for this week’s Monday Demotivators, because most of these links load so slowly that the designers really should visit the PrettyLoaded preloader museum for pointers. First up: Given the general take on fast food employment, it’s kind of odd that someone would build a detailed simulation for entertainment purposes. Which is why Fast Food Frenzy is a little odd. Probably more popular is Fast Food Follies, wherein you play a black-clad “Michigan Militia” type who shoots up a fast food joint. Fast food games for educational purposes make a little more sense to me, which is why I find McVideogame amusing. The game requires you to manage every aspect of a fast food corporation, from cow to counter. Along the way you learn a little. For example, in the agricultural sector of the game, they point out that “If we had to rear all the cattle we need in our part of the world, our cities would drown in an ocean of cow shit. Pastures and soy culture need a lot of land and South America is one of the best places for it. Obviously you have to conquer your land as our forefathers did. Remember the old saying: “under every forest there is a lawn“. Lastly, for a mind-numbingly pointless fast food flash game (all you Stack The Cats addicts take note; you know who you are!), we have Fast Food Fiasco. Just re-arrange the fast food items to clear the grid. And if we’ve succeeded in our weekly attempt to make you late for work on Monday, hopefully you won’t stop at McDonald’s on the way. Between this fast food calorie counter and these nutrition fact comparison charts, it’s kind of a no-brainer. But if you need more demotivation, check out 15 signs you need to go on a diet. Would you like fries with that?

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  1. Posted by » Monday Misogyny - Dissociated Press on 11.09.09 6:43 am

    [...] Well, the fact that it seemed that the vast majority of Flash games are based on animal torture, random violence, and general acts of futility finally wore me down. That, and the fact that I hate Flash games [...]