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Ford’s Having A Fiesta, But You’re Not Invitado

Topics: Clean & Green, Technology | 1 CommentBy admin | September 14, 2008

Have you driven a Fjord lately?

Have you driven a Fjord lately? The Ford Motor Company is proudly introducing a new 65 mpg Fiesta in November. But guess what? You can’t buy it (for the record, I flipped the image at left so you could imagine it on an American road). This is apparently an ongoing trend, with only two cars available in the states that get more than 40mpg. If you really want an American-built car that gets this kind of mileage, you might try a 1949 Crosley Hot Shot or any of the other beaters on this list. Alternately, you could just give up and move to Europe. You just might be able to justify the move with the fuel cost savings from one the fuel-efficient Europe-only vehicles reviewed here. By the way, a little parting shot for any smug-faced Prius owners that might be reading: a non-hybrid BMW just kicked your butt.

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  1. Posted by » What’s Your Facebook Footprint? - Dissociated Press on 04.19.09 11:22 am

    [...] year we wrote about how Ford was having a Fiesta, and that you weren’t invitado. Well, they’re finally going to market the car next year in the states, and they apparently [...]