
We Mix You A Merry Christmash – Fun Alternatives To Your Usual Christmas Music Playlist Ideas

[ 2 Comments ]Posted on December 15, 2010 by admin in Holidays

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

After weeks of Christmas songs insinuating themselves into your life, a holiday playlist is probably the LAST thing you want to think about. So we’ve done some thinking for you.

This is not a gratuitous image exploiting
women. We included a clip of Charo singing
Feliz Blah Blah Blah on Pee Wee’s
Playhouse below. Made ya look though.

It all begins around the first of November, when you’re at the market staring at piles of deeply discounted mini chocolate bars left over from Halloween, and suddenly, like some sonic message from the dark side, “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town” pokes through the ambient shopping noise. By mid-December, you’ve probably subliminally absorbed so many Christmas songs that you find yourself spontaneously whistling “Walkin’ In A Winter Wonderland” while making love. So it’s natural that so many people groan at the idea of listening to Christmas music on purpose. Which is a shame, because thanks to the thousands of crassly opportunistic attempts to cash in on the Christmas spirit, there are literally thousands of tunes to choose from, in every genre, from several decades. We’ve previously tried to cover all the bases; over the past couple of years we Jewished you a merry Christmas with Oye To The World, suggested some Santastic mashups with Generation Xmas, and with Generation Triple X-Mas we got on Santa’s naughty list. So this year, we thought we’d try to get back on the “nice” list with some actually sane Christmas music ideas, and a few oddities thrown in for fun. If you’ve ever gone searching on the web for some new holiday music ideas, you may have had that Wikiphilia-like experience of suddenly realizing you just wasted three hours of your life mindlessly YouTubing weird Christmas tunes like we did. So we have to give considerable thanks to MistleTunes, Falalalala.com, and Check The Cool Wax for their passion and devotion to compiling and organizing thousands of offbeat and obscure holiday songs. They bring a lot of the spirit back to what should be one of the best parts of the holidays. The music! Hope you enjoy, and feel free to share your own playlist ideas. Read the rest of this entry »

Yule Survive – Six Moody & Depressing Christmas Songs To Get You Through The Holidays

[ Comments Off ]Posted on December 9, 2010 by admin in Music

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Sometimes the only thing you get for Christmas is your freedom, and the only thing under the tree is you, passed out drunk. Yule get over it. In the meantime, here’s some melancholic music to help you wallow.

The perfect tree to pass out drunk beneath.

You have to dig pretty deep to dig up weirder Christmas music ideas than we did over the last couple of years with Generation Triple Xmas – Holiday Songs For Millennials, last holiday season’s Oye To The World, our tribute to the non-Christian menorah-ty , and our mashup roundup of 2008, Generation X-Mas, but this year we’re digging deeper. Or lower, as the case may be. Yeah, yeah. Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, blah blah blah. Face it. For much of the world, Christmas is only a few days after the longest night of the year, and unless you live in southern climes, there’s a good chance it’s cold and dreary during those few hours of daylight that do exist. No wonder we string lights all over the place, eat ourselves into oblivion, and try to cheer each other up with presents wrapped in shiny paper. So this year, why not just roll with it, and ball your eyes out with some awesomely depressing Christmas music. We’ve rounded up a few tunes below to help bring you down, but got so depressed in the process that we couldn’t go on. Feel free to share some suggestions. We’ll post them in a followup, that is, if we can read your comments through the tears that are freezing our eyes shut

Read the rest of this entry »

Generation Triple Xmas – Holiday Songs For Millennials

[ 3 Comments ]Posted on December 15, 2009 by admin in Music

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Yule probably be appalled by some of these XXXmas carols, but some are just good, dirty fun, and some are just plain…disturbing.

I think Gunther has something a little
different in mind for your yule log this year.

I couldn’t help noticing this year that we seem to have killed Santa once and for all. As a generation raised by the miscreants we call baby boomers come of age, and millennials become the new target consumer demographic, the spirit of poor Santa is doing its final death dance in the brutal daylight of rationality and cynical realism. Always on the lookout for an audience to pander to, we’ve therefore rounded up the naughtiest, bitterest, and most disturbing Christmas music and videos we could find. First of all, to highlight the generational difference we’re referring to, check out the two clips below. The first is the sentimental and totally out-of-touch-with-reality 80′s song “Do They Know It’s Christmas”. To address two of the burning issues in the song: 1.) No, they don’t fucking know it’s Christmas, most of them aren’t Christian, and it’s Africa, for cryin’ out loud, and 2.) No, you’re right. There won’t be snow in Africa this Christmas, except of course in places like Mount Kilimanjaro. Duh. Anyway, enjoy the bad hair and slightly bloated rockers: Read the rest of this entry »

Generation X-Mas

[ 3 Comments ]Posted on December 24, 2008 by admin in Holidays

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

More Collections of Holiday Mashups & Remixes

There’s so much weird Christmas music out there that I wouldn’t begin to try to do a thorough roundup. Besides, they’re working pretty hard on doing that over at MistleTunes, where I ran across such classics-to-be as Pull My Finger by Jingle Smells. That Amazon link has plenty of audio previews to confirm that even though it’s only $3.98, you don’t need to buy it (though it’s tempting, if only to have a CD laying around that has the title “We Wish You A Smelly Xmas – Unplugged” printed on it). If Christmas mashups are more your thing, djBC and friends now have six years of mashups in their Santastic collections. A lot of it is a little less than well-conceived, but the price is right (free) and where else would you find things like Voicedude’s “It’s The Little Things” (YouTube clip) , which somehow manages to mash Blink 182′s “All the Small Things” with Pachelbel’s Canon, and end up with something listenable? And make sure you have a firm grip on reality before listening to Corporal Blossom’s “White Christmas” Mashup (lo-fi mp3 link), featuring Elvis, Louis Armstrong, Diana Ross, and others surreally dubbed over a downtempo triphop beat. One of my favorite holiday songs ever remains Lenlow’s “¿Dónde Está Santa Claus?” mashup from Santastic II (preview below). And proving that Nine Inch Nails’ lyrics benefit a lot from the production, we have Nine Inch Noëls, a mashup of NIN’s “Head Like Hole” and “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”. And in honor of Santa coming (heh, I said “coming”) we have the hard-to-find Horny Christmas (lo-fi mp3) by Loo and Placido. Here’s the “¿Dónde Está Santa Claus?” preview mentioned above:

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