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Thrive: The Movie

Topics: Lifestyle & Culture | Add A CommentBy admin | September 11, 2012

Put on some popcorn and a tinfoil hat. Foster Gamble is taking you for a ride, in his doughnut-powered spaceship of libertarianism.

Get Thrive the Movie on AmazonDo you ever have a vague sense that something is just plain wrong with the world, and that there must be some unseen forces guiding things? That maybe there’s a group of powerful people connected to banking and large corporate interests that have an agenda for re-shaping the world to suit their desires? That behind the daily headlines we see, there’s a subtext that isn’t being revealed, and if it were, that a lot of global events would make more sense? If you do, and you’re looking for answers, you may want to watch the movie Thrive. Not because it offers any useful answers to these questions, at least sane ones. But there are a few things about the film that makes it worth a look. First of all, there’s the price. It’s free! You can view it right on the creator’s website  (or on YouTube, if your prefer). That may in fact be the film’s strongest point. You may actually want to procure a copy though, simply to be able to review its bizarre fusion of sane progressive thought and tinfoil hat insanity at your leisure. The film was assembled by a fellow named Foster Gamble, a member of the “legacy” family from the Gamble side of Proctor & Gamble empire. Gamble exudes a disturbingly genuine sincerity as he guides the viewer through topics ranging from crop circles and UFO’s to the evils of the Federal Treasury, the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, and the Illuminati. And he does it all with a weird pseudo-scientific presentation, mixing references to toroidal free energy innovations that are allegedly being suppressed by oil companies with ungrounded claims about sophisticated symbols that were supposedly burned into ancient Egyptian structures with lasers. Gamble’s apparent sincerity is undermined quite a bit by the fact that he uses NLP-based language and a visual format that comes across like a slickly produced multilevel marketing DVD. Some might not notice the former, since it mainly relies on something NLP-ers might call Lost Performatives, in which he says things similar to what an old-school salesman might say. Things that come across like “Gee willikers, I didn’t believe it MYSELF until I did all this TOTALLY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH and was ASTOUNDED by what I discovered!”

And this is actually part of what makes the film fun, in spite of its apparently heartfelt concern, dire warnings about our impending enslavement, and proposed solutions. I personally don’t question Gamble’s sincerity, but as the old adage goes, I also don’t question the sincerity of a crazed ax murderer on a rampage. On the one hand, Gamble comes across as a genuinely nice rich bloke who grew up in a bubble, and suddenly was exposed to some of the God-awful stuff going on in the world and got upset about it. On the other hand, the insane meandering from tinfoildom to cuddly new-ageyness to rabid anti-establishment libertarian rants against OTHER families of the global elite like the Rothschilds leaves one wondering if in fact Gamble’s whole shtick is an elaborate false flag, designed to keep a prole’s head spinning.

If Gamble is sincere in this epic effort, it certainly doesn’t help his credibility when half the experts appearing in the film have officially stated they were misrepresented, and the other half are paranoid delusional nutjobs talking about extraterrestrials and magical infinite power sources. But the fact that it’s almost impossible to find biographical info on the fellow – combined with the film’s bizarre obsession with connecting everything in the known universe to a mystical donut shape – makes the film a strangely amusing “meta” experience. I think I’m going to watch it again RIGHT NOW. Or at least after I make some Jiffy Pop and fashion the foil into a nice little hat.

The Thrive Trailer

If you’ve seen Mars Attacks, you know that Gamble isn’t the first to recognize the power of the donut: