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Post-Holiday Padiddling

Topics: Editorial & Opinion | 2 CommentsBy admin | July 6, 2009

No holiday weekend road trip is complete without a healthy round of Padiddling, Punchbuggy, and Cow Counting. This week’s Monday Demotivators celebrate the four day weekend.

Why Do Game Developers Hate Granny?

This week’s Monday morning productivity inhibitors will take a (ahem) back seat to the fact that the more clever amongst you have sneaked in a four-day weekend. Which means you already are demotivated. And perhaps facing a day on the freeways to get home. If you have a carload of family or friends on a weekend excursion, the way there might not be so bad, but the way back can be excruciating. That’s when a healthy game of Punchbuggy or Padiddle can come in handy. Hopefully though, you’ll be home long before any Padiddling is required. If you happen to have a carload of kids (or immature adults like myself) on board, maybe some classic road trip games like Highway Bingo or Counting Cows are in order. Okay, maybe not so “classic”. Personally, I’ve never heard of “Counting Cows”. Anyway, those are print-it-yourself games; you could always buy some reusable bingo games, they’re cheap, and according to GasBuddy.com, gas prices are $1.50 lower than a year ago, so you should be able to afford a measly $6.91. And if gas prices still aren’t low enough for your tastes, you can always make your own. And finally, for those of you who come here on Monday morning for the silly Flash games, maybe you’d like to vent your holiday road rage (or frustrations with grandma) by playing a nice game of Mad Monday Road Rage or Squash The Granny. Me, I’ll probably be padiddling well into the night, and asking Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?

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  1. Posted by Havalina Gurevich on 07.06.09 11:01 am

    I am busy working this morning…what am I missing? why a 4- day weekend?? I wish these games were around when I was a kid stuck in the back seat of a car…

  2. Posted by Havalina Gurevich on 07.06.09 11:31 am

    seriously, is today a holiday for some people?? why?