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Don’t Be A Such A Dick Cheney

Topics: Politics | 3 CommentsBy admin | September 20, 2008

EFF Suing Every John, Dick, and Alberto They Can Think Of

Dick Cheney Shows Us
How Much He Cares

It’s likely to get you sued. In the ongoing legislative cat and mouse game that AT&T and the White House are playing to keep their ability to stick their eyes, ears, and noses into every aspect of your personal life, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is once again stepping up to bat for you. After AT&T bought enough dinners & prostitutes for politicians over the past several months, they eventually managed to get the bastards to grant them immunity for their part in illegally tapping our phones in the guise of protecting us. (Personally, my experiences with AT&T’s service and billing suggest I’ll be just fine without whatever protection they might be providing, thank you very much.) It’s a major show of dedication to protecting your constitutional rights on the part of the EFF; you might think about giving them some of your money , rather than giving it to those two senators running for president, one of whom voted for the bill after saying he would filibuster against it, the other of whom didn’t vote at all.

Read Comments

  1. Posted by TeacherPatti on 09.20.08 4:54 am

    I was gonna say that the picture is Dick Cheney showing us the size of his dick.

  2. Posted by admin on 09.20.08 11:11 am

    Shame on you, TeacherPatti! This is a family web site! Now that the subject has been broached though, it actually quite disturbs me that I remember this photo from 2004 which suggests quite the opposite. Although I guess it could be a colostomy bag. Maybe he’s just crushing your head .

  3. Posted by TeacherPatti on 09.20.08 1:31 pm

    OMG. My virgin eyes! That picture is forever in my head.
    PS: Kids in the Hall rule!